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D4.1. Training Curriculum "RETHINK HPV: Saving Lives through Information, Education, and Vaccination"

Deliverable D4.1, titled "RETHINK HPV: Saving Lives through Information, Education, and Vaccination," is structured to provide detailed and updated information about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), its impact on public health, and the importance of vaccination. The training curriculum is designed to educate and inform both medical professionals and the general public, aiming to reduce the incidence of HPV-associated cancers and promote vaccination.

You can access the full document here.

Chapter 1: Human Papilloma virus - responsible for many cancers in both women and men
HPV is responsible for numerous types of cancer affecting both women and men. In Romania, almost 3,400 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed annually, with nearly 1,800 deaths.

Chapter 2: The burden of Human Papilloma virus infections and the conditions they cause
HPV infections cause not only cancers but also other health problems. Genital warts, for instance, are almost always caused by HPV. In Romania, cervical cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in women, and the country ranks first in the EU in cervical cancer mortality. The economic and emotional burden of these conditions is immense, but prevention through vaccination can significantly reduce this suffering.

Chapter 3: Human Papilloma virus vaccination
Vaccination against HPV is the most effective method to prevent cancers caused by this virus. HPV vaccines are safe, with minor and rare adverse effects. Countries that have adopted vaccination in national immunization schedules have seen significant decreases in HPV infections and related diseases. Vaccines are more effective when administered during adolescence, before the onset of sexual activity, but they also offer protection to adults.

Chapter 4: The physician’s role
Physicians play a crucial role in promoting HPV vaccination. They must inform patients about the benefits of vaccination and combat myths and misinformation. In Romania, vaccination is offered free of charge for children aged 11 to 19 years and at a 50% subsidy for women aged 19 to 45 years. Despite this, 67% of Romanians have not received recommendations regarding HPV vaccination.

Chapter 5: What we know and do not know about Human Papilloma virus and vaccination
Although there is much information about HPV and vaccination, many myths and misinformation persist. Proper education and public information are essential to dismantling these barriers. Recent studies show that the majority of Romanians are not vaccinated against HPV, and the lack of medical recommendations and fear of adverse effects are the main obstacles.

Chapter 6: The role of trainers and opinion leaders
Educators and opinion leaders play an essential role in promoting HPV vaccination. They can influence public perceptions and help disseminate correct information. It is important for these leaders to be well-informed and to effectively communicate the benefits of vaccination.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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